Saturday, 19 July 2014

My all time favourite films

Here I have some old films and new films (although mostly old) that are my all time favourites! Enjoy :) (Don't worry I am cringing as well)

I love this film! With the wacky dancing and groovy music, it is a great sing along film! Brilliant for sleepovers with your friends and Zac Efron is looking hot! A good light hearted film.

The Help
This film is the latest film I have watched out of them all and it brought me to tears. I had previously read the book which is just as captivating and emotional as the film. Based in the 1960's it talks about the Black African maids and the hardship that they went through looking after the white family's. A brilliant film but I would recommend reading the book first.

Bridge to Terabithia 
As a child, this must have been the first film to make me cry. Children's films tend to have happy endings which result in pleasing everyone. The sad ending in this film makes the film original and encaptures children's imagination. A brilliant film which is definitely worth seeing. 

Billy Elliot 
Before watching the film, I saw the theatre production in the West End. I must have been quite young at the time but I remember being horrified at the amount of swearing in it! Never the less I loved it and have even been a second time to see it in the West End! The film I also equally loved! With a true representation of what Britain was like at that time (due to mines being closed down) it really draws you in! And as a dancer myself, I of coursed loved the dance side of it!

High School Musical
Although as a child I was deprived of Disney channel and all the shows on Sky and Virgin that my friends were watching, I was still a massive fan of HSM! I still know all the lyrics to every song (even in films 2 +3). It's a feel good film, which I am able to watch over and over again (literally).

The Incredibles 
This is a brilliant film! It is funny and I love it so much! The feel good characters and interesting story line keeps you watching! I think this was one of those films that I would watch over and over again!

Brats the movie
What can I say! Stuff mean girls and Wild Child (although I do like that). This film tops them all! I could recite to you what all the characters were about to say! That is the number of times I have watched this film! In the last half term my friend and I could not stop laughing while we reminisced on our favourite parts of the film. She wrote a small bit about it on her blog. I beg you all to watch this film, it is truly amazing!

School of Rock
Another extremely funny film! Jack Black is extremely funny in it and plays his past really well! Quite an old film now but still as funny as ever.

The Hunger Games
Again, I had read the book before the film  and although the book is better than the film, I still think it is brilliant! The graphics are amazing and the actors and actresses play the parts magnificently! If you have not seen this film you have not lived! I would recommend everyone to read the book then watch it! If you liked it you could then read the rest of the books. Catching fire and Mockingjay

Thank you for reading

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